Galaxy Decor

                                                                  interior design solutions & conCeptual deco ideas by da


                         to be touched

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European projects, November 2013

Deluxe Int. team, ARMANI CASA

Deluxe Int., meeting with RUBELLI


DA LIGHTS & SHADOWS: Crystal Collection, The Cosmic Silhouettes of Saint-Petersburg, ARTEFACTUM-OIKOS Italy,8.11.2013

It was long waited trip to Russia, St. Petersburg and Moscow. DA came in June 2013 invited by one the leading interior design company Deluxe Interior as an 
Executive Director of the St. Petersburg office. Later in November he presented his new line of the Exclusive Textured Design DA Crystal Collection as well
as the painting series The Cosmic Silhouettes of St. Petersburg ​at ARTEFACTUM-OIKOS Italy. Bellow are the best pictures of the trip.

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