Galaxy Decor
interior design solutions & conCeptual deco ideas by da
Galaxy Decor in Europe, Gallery VNUTRI, Saint-Petersburg,10.23.2017
ART as the way to think
I started drawing and painting at the age of seven. The first serious thing I 've created was my class News Board in 1980. The subject was the world peace movement.
We sincerely believed that Russia (former U.S.S.R.) is the only country to fight against war. Since then my creativity didn't let me live peacefully, cause I saw the world
much more interesting and beautiful than it is in reality. Redesigning the World are the first words of my mornings and the last thoughts before my eyes are closed.
I do believe that one of my famous compatriots, a writer Dostoevsky was right by saying "Beauty will save the world". The pages of this website might show:
his great idea is one of the best to follow. Please enjoy! -DA
1.Illustration & Design
May 2002, Group show. Dawson College, Xerox Tower, Montreal, Canada
2. DA - Alexei’s Points of View
October 2002, Solo show. Warren Flowers Gallery of Dawson College, Montreal, Canada
3. International Winter Art Festival Maple Leaves
November 2002, Group show. Kellert Hall, Montreal, Canada
4. DA-Great Russians. Portraits and Beyond
September 2003, Solo show. The book presentation, Galaxy Décor-La Petite Russie, Montreal, Canada
5. Four Seasons
August 2003, 2004 Group show: Mikhail Chapiro, George Elbakidze, DA, Galaxy Décor-Mount Royal Commemorative Services, Montreal, Canada
6. Jewish National Fund of Canada with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Mr. Mamedov
May 2004, Group show: Mikhail Chapiro, George Elbakidze, Vladimir Volshov, DA, Galaxy Décor-JNF, Montreal, Canada
7. Russian Portrait. From Icon to Present
August 2004, Group show: Mikhail Chapiro, George Elbakidze, Vladimir Volshov, Igor Tyshler, Anatolij Golod, DA, Creative Reflections
Consulate General of the Russian Federation, Montreal, Canada
8. Mikhail Chapiro. Realism, Abstract 70-Jubilee Exhibition
July 2008, Solo show. Galaxy Décor-Club MAA, Montreal, Canada
9. Igor Tyshler. The Illustrator of Dreams
April 2010, Solo show. Galaxy Décor-Club MAA, Montreal, Canada
10. Christmas Meetings with Art
January 2011, Irina Zelinskaja, Mikhail Chapiro, Sam Sharo, Anna Kurnycheva, Elena Samoukova, DA, Galaxy Décor-Club MAA, Montreal, Canada
11. DA - Angels, Wings, Feathers & Universal Gravitation
January 2012, DA, Solo show. Galaxy Décor-Club MAA, Montreal, Canada
12. DA - Lights & Shadows
September 2012, Galaxy Décor-DELUXE International, Montreal, Canada
13. Tatsiana Roubine
September 2013, Solo show. Galaxy Décor-Club MAA, Montreal, Canada
14. DA - The Cosmic Silhouettes of St. Petersburg
November 2013, Solo show. Galaxy Décor, Artefactum-OIKOS Italy, St. Petersburg, Russia
15. Toronto Home Club & International Association of Saint-Petersburg's Friends
Montly shows, 2014-, Toronto, Canada
International Feedback
“Greetings to DA - the author of the Project Great Russians. Portraits and Beyond. In my opinion, this distinctive book of portraits has turned out
to be quite interesting. I wish DA new victories in his creative work, and as for his book, lots of thankful readers.”
-Michael Gorbachev, Former President of the Soviet Union, Nobel Peace Prize Recipient, Moscow, Russia
“The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien…has asked to send his best wishes for a successful presentation of Great Russians. Portraits and Beyond.”
-David Miller, Director of Operations and Senior Advisor, Office of the Prime Minister, Ottawa, Canada
“…I am indeed interested in your project. Please accept my cordial best greetings.”
-Ben Weider, CM, CQ, SBStJ, PhD. The International Napoleonic Society, International President.
International Federation of Body Builders, President, Montreal, Canada
“I am very happy that a much needed and educative book about great people of Russia has been published. It will help Canadians to better know Russia and its history,
which in turn will bring together the nations of Russia and Canada.”
-Vladislav Tretyak, three times Olympic champion, many times the world champion, one of the best hockey players of the 20th Century.
President of the Association of the Canadian-Russian Friendship, Moscow, Russia
“We in the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Montreal, highly appreciate DA’s efforts to contribute to the development
of cultural exchanges between Russia and Canada, including his project on book publication”
-Igor Golubovskiy, Consul General of the Russian Federation,Montreal,Canada
“This unique book presents in both word and picture an imaginative portrayal of important Russians whom all Canadians should know much more than we do.”
-Paul Austin, Former Chairman of Russian & Slavic Studies Department, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
“The Jewish National Fund (JNF) takes pride in acknowledging the outstanding artistic work of DA…and encourages him to continue his pursuits of his new endeavor
Great Jews-Portraits and Beyond knowing this his artistic talent and technical skills will result in a first class production.”
-Joe Rabinovitch, Executive Vice-President, Jewish National Fund of Canada, Montreal, Canada
“DA channels his efforts, using his talents to promote worthy causes to bring peace to the world. His recent undertaking, Great Jews aroused special interest,
portraying great Jews through history such us, Moses, Einstein etc… I feel privileged to have met this talented young artist and I hope to see him grow to great heights.”
-Haim Sherrf, One of the Best Jewish-Canadian Artists, Montreal, Canada
“…DA’s portraits are intriguing and reflect many aspects of each subject’s history. In addition to being a book of general interest to readers, it could also be used in schools-both
Jewish and non-Jewish to initiate research and discussion. I recommend this project as one worthy of support.”
-Eva Raby, Jewish Public Library, Executive Director, Montreal, Canada
“I think the project Great Jews-Portraits and Beyond is important for Jews all over the world.
I wish DA much of success in developing the project and completing it.”
-Sam Kliger, Director Russian Jewish Community Affairs, The American Jewish Committee, New-York, USA
“DA’s portraits of famous Russians, Canadians, and Jews are as he puts it “a visual language to help familiarize North American with my heritage.” DA memorializes heroic personalities, merging the lowly art of caricature with the high art of idealization. The individual physiognomy of each person-Kandinsky, Tchaikovsky, Freud, the Russian chess player-is captured in the outlines of the skull, the inner structure of the face, and the expressive hands. The attributes of these people are emphasized by the props and settings that define who they are. In this typology of famous people, creativity and intellectuality
are often charged with a gentle humor that endears us to them.”
-Dr. Loren Lerner, Department of Art History, Concordia University, Russian Jewish Contribution in Art, Literature and Science, Montreal, Canada
"Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines art as “the conscious use of skills and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects.” One can say that illustration, although one of many forms of art is the use of these skills and creativity to produce the artist’s impression of the reality that he observes.Sir Thomas Browne, a 17th century physician, once said, “nature is the art of God.” An art student learns about an artist in order to understand and appreciate his art, realizing that the artist’s work is a reflection of the individual. Nature’s art, therefore, also reflects the personality of nature’s originator, Almighty God. His artwork is not purposeless or accidental.Artists, and illustrators, also have a purpose or a definite message to convey. Through DA’s illustrations, some of which are contained in this book, we recognize not only the personality of the subjects depicted, but also that of the artist himself and of his opinions on these subjects.As he himself says, these are meant to be enjoyed and to reflect on the dual nature of his culture. In this short foreword, I would also like to remind the viewer to stop and consider the message behind such endeavors, namely that for our Grand Creator, there are no borders between Russia and Canada or any other nation or culture or race. Truly in this day and age, this is definitely cause for reflection."
-Lucy R. Trahan, Chair of Illustration & Design, Dawson College, Montreal, Canada
“Portraits and Beyond is, in a way, an artistic encyclopedia, a collection of the biographies of the greatest people.
The books are based on symbolic portraits by DA and are accompanied by simple text, which animates and humanizes it.”
-Russian Humanitarian House, Montreal, Canada
The art works are in private collections in Canada, USA, Europe, Israel
to be touched
Copyright 2022. Galaxy Decor. All Rights Reserved
We also represent internationally recognized artists in Ontario. Please visit their websites to enjoy wonderful paintings.
To order their art works or signed hi-resolution prints simply contact us!
The Portrait: From Icon to Present, RF Consulate General, 08.24.2004
The Christmas Meetings with Art, Club MAA, Montreal, 01.07.2011
Michael Chapiro. Jubilee Exhibition, Club MAA, Mtl, 07.25.2008
Jewish National Fund, A portrait by Mr. Chapiro, RF Ambasador Mr. Mamedov Mtl, 01.07.2005
The Illustrator of Dreams-IgorTyshler-Solo Show, Club MAA, Mtl, 04.03.2010
DA LIGHTS & SHADOWS: Crystal Collection, ARTEFACTUM-OIKOS Italy, 8.11.2013
Opening the Galaxy Decor 2nd show room in Montreal, St Laurent, 9.15.2013
Golden Feathers...Wings...Angels, MAA Club, Montreal, 01.12.2012
The Cosmic Silhouettes of Saint-Petersburg, ARTEFACTUM-OIKOS Italy, 8.11.2013